I'm baaaaaaack! - Sara May Photography Sara May Photography

I'm baaaaaaack! - Sara May Photography

Well, I must say it is time to dust off the blog and get started on this new year!  2015 was very busy, but mostly in a different realm of life — family. Yep, the scales have to tip sometimes and I’d say it was for pretty good reason. My family grew!

What was once this family of three…

Is now a family of four!

This is our daughter, Cambria (pronounced: CAM-bree-uh). She makes life exciting!


Thank you to all of my wonderful clients, especially those that let me bring this little gal to a few meetings when she was a newborn. 😉

Here’s to a fantastic and extremely productive 2016! Stay tuned for regular updates to the blog as well as Instagram.

xo, Sara

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“She climbs trees, she rolls on the ground, she has eyes on the back of her head. I am not sure how she captures these spontaneous moments but she captures them beautifully.”

- Kim M.

“I will continue to use her until the end of time.”

- Alison D.

“She’s so easy to talk to and work with and her shots and final products are to die for!!” 

- Sophia P.

“Imagine what it’s like to discover a person who not only meets your expectations, but exceeds them. Our wedding would not have ben the same without Sara.” 

- Shayda Z.

Let's Capture The Moment.

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