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When I became a mother, my appreciation and love for my own mom skyrocketed to the moon. I couldn’t believe how much she did as a mother. She is the most patient, humble, loving, selfless mom and a serious bombshell to boot.
But she is also a woman. A fantastic, successful and ambitious woman with life experiences I would surely learn from. If I only asked about them more. When I lost my grandmother a couple years ago, I realized there was so much about her I didn’t know. And now I no longer had the opportunity to find out about her life first-hand. It was a good reality check to not take the ones I love for granted. So I asked myself, ‘How much do I REALLY know about my mom?’
I now have so many questions for my mom so that I can get to know who she is. I want to ask her about her favorite childhood games, her favorite memories of her own parents, her regrets, the places she loved traveling to, and of course tips for attaining her super-human level of patience. 😉
Don’t just KNOW your mom but document her as well. Create keepsakes to remember her as you do right now. And create keepsakes of yourself for your own children to appreciate when they’re older!
This is my mom. Her name is JoAnn and she is a mother of four. These will forever be my keepsakes.
I love you, Mom. I treasure you more and more every day. Never stop smiling.
Happy Mother’s Day!